Three Things You Should Learn From Steve Jobs | Continental Online Continental online

Three Things You Should Learn From Steve Jobs

Admin Continental Online | 8:53 PM | 0 comments


Ashton waxed philosophic on the things that he learned as he tried to become Steve Jobs. At one point he was even on the brink of tears. At the end of the interview, Ashton was asked what he want he wants people to get out of seeing the movie, and he shared these three things.

1 . Focus – Dave Morin, CEO of Path, told Ashton that Steve once said, “there’s no virtue in saying no to the things that need to be said no to.” Steve had an ability to say no to everything except for his ultimate mission. “It’s not a detriment to your character if you say no to the things that won’t help other people,” claimed Kutcher.
2. Compassion For Customers – Ashton said that he learned that Steve really cared about his customers, and that a lot of companies try to be successful, but they forget that the absolute care of the consumer experience is what will make a great company. If you focus on being compassionate toward your users, profit margins, investments, revenue… all that will kind of take care of itself, according to Kutcher.
3. Dream The Impossible – “Steve believed that it was possible to do things that were impossible,” said Kutcher. One of his favorite quotes from Steve Jobs is when he said that, “everything around you that you call life was made up by people who are no smarter than you.” If anything, Kutcher said he hopes people walk away from JOBS with a determination to not settle for what life gives you. “Make life better and build something.”
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