Amazing Leaf Art by Lorenzo Duran | Continental Online Continental online

Amazing Leaf Art by Lorenzo Duran

Admin Continental Online | 8:50 PM | 0 comments

Spanish artist Lorenzo Duran has experimented a lot with cutting various types of leaves, and admits that most of his early works ended up in the trash, but he learned from his mistakes and developed a whole process of preparing leaves and cutting them so they don’t break as often. He has to pick just the right leaves, the thicker the better.

When he gets an idea for a motif he first puts it on paper, then places it over a leaf.  After he is done washing, drying, pressing  and cutting,it comes the scalpel. The last part is obviously the most delicate, because fragile leaves can break right at the end, and the artist loses days of work in an instant.  It is a time consuming process, but with this amazing result, it is definitely worth it.